Gotta comment here on Gone Girl - I feel about that book the way you feel about Behind Closed Doors. Gone Girl was just false all the way through. The story was sensationalistic and SHOCKING and the characters behaved like the strings were being pulled by a shock mistress and I didn't believe a word of the dialogue and even less any thoughts she gave them -- ironically, the film was watchable, as is often the case: The Godfather was no great novel, but what a film! But GG pissed me off so badly when I dropped it in the bathtub about 90% of the way through I refused to replace it even though my wife had bought it and it was a pulpy mess after I fell asleep and it slipped into the water. She tried to say I owed it to her but I wouldn't get her another copy and I know I was flat-out irrational but I donated the money to charity and I told my wife, 'You'll thank me one day.' It didn't work out that way but that book got to me for its sheer contempt for real human beings and the massive readership it attracted.